10 Tips And Tricks For Salesforce

10 Tips And Tricks For Salesforce

By admin January 7, 2014
Blog, Salesforce Development 0

The expert Salesforce developers at Mind Digital have put a list together of some helpful tips, tricks, advice and general pointers for the Salesforce CRM. We hope this list is helpful for new users or old and if we missed anything that you think is important, please feel free to send it to our Salesforce development team.

1. Compare all important records within Salesforce: make sure everything is accounted within your Salesforce CRM and the numbers are adding up.

2. Invest in a tool that monitors duplication: duplicates are a huge hassle and waste the valuable time of your sales team. It is never a good sign when your sales team calls the same prospect when they have been called the day before by another salesperson.

3. Workflow rules can be setup and automate tasks: think out of the box and get creative with this. Do your
research so your life can be easier in the long term, workflow rules are made specifically to minimize headaches.

4. Email Salesforce reports automatically: you can enable your sales team to see what performance they have against other people in the company. Generate and send the whole sales team reports so everyone knows where they stand. This will encourage healthy competition and transparency.

5. Find a Salesforce mentor: There are many active Salesforce forums that have users, experts, and newbies all in the same place. Find someone as you would be surprised how helpful the Salesforce community is when it comes to advice and helping you solve problems.

6. Develop processes: Salesforce is a great resource when used in the right way. Ensure that your sales team and other people are following the same rules as what you put in, is what you will get out.

7. Have Salesforce email you when something goes wrong: workflow rules that have been setup correctly allow you to trigger email notifications around anything. You can be notified when a sale is made, new leads are created, an opportunity is lost and anything else you can imagine. Have Salesforce work for you and make your life easier.

8. Put it on paper: When our team gets a new Salesforce development project, we put it all on whiteboard. We construct a visual workflow chart and see how it all is laid out. Do yourself a favor and write it down so you can visualize it completely.

9. It’s OK to say NO: If you can’t make it work, it’s better to do your research or ask someone that knows more about Salesforce than you do. The last thing you want to do is mess up and make your situation worse. You can always go to the Salesforce forums for help or your Salesforce mentor for assistance.

10. Document the process: when you write it down and document what you are doing, if you make a mistake you can always re-visit your notes and see what you did wrong. You will thank yourself later with this, we promise!

We hope this quick list of general Salesforce information has been helpful to some of you. If you have any questions or need any help with your Salesforce development, please feel free to reach out to the team at Mind Digital. Our expert Salesforce developers would be more than happy to help! If you have any suggestions or tips you feel would be helpful than please do share it with the Salesforce development team at Mind Digital!

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