
5 Tips On How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog

By admin January 21, 2014
Blog, Digital Marketing 0

The perception of blogging has radically changed as people in almost all industries are getting involved with blogging. They are seeing the pivotal role that blogging is playing into their SEO by its ability to increase rankings, traffic, and most importantly establishing relationships with users. Like any type of marketing activity, blogging has to follow certain rules and structures. So we have put together a list we thought will be helpful to newbies and veterans alike. This is not the bible of blogging by any means but rather our own observations and general tips to help people who want to be found online through the power of blogging. So here is a quick list of how to generate traffic to your blog through SEO best practices.

1. Keyword Research
It is critical that you are targeting and finding the right audience to engage with. Know who you want to ideally read your blog and tailor your content/posts accordingly. Spreading yourself across too many subjects or topics will make it seem like you are a jack of all trades which is never the case. You can’t be an expert on everything as they say. When selecting your keywords, try to hit the relevant keywords that users will type in so that your blog is found when they are looking for help on that subject. The more specific your blog is, the better.

2. Offer Help Or An Answer To A Question
This is something that we have found that has been a great way to get new followers on your blog. About 70% of people that have engaged with our blog as an example were either looking for help on a certain problem they were having or advice on a specific subject matter. The more you help people or are answering questions people are having problems with, the more traffic you will generate online. It’s amazing the power of what helping out people can do, trust us that even we are surprised sometimes. Think of it has SEO karma!

3 On-page Best Practices
It’s great that you are targeting specific users through your content and helping people out. The next important step is to ensure that when you are creating this valuable content, you are structuring it with all SEO best practices in mind. Technical aspects such as correct SEO tags, shareable buttons, URL descriptions, effective UX features are all practices that need to be kept in mind when creating your effective blog. One SEO guru that most people know Rand Fishkin, said it perfectly that good on-page optimization can get you social media traffic, build brand credibility, make your content more link-worthy and increase your chances to rank better online.

4. Be Different
It’s not easy to come up with unique and intriguing ideas to put on your blog, we never said it would be! One of the keys to blogging is separate yourself by coming up with different ideas, topics, and things that you have never heard of. If there is a topic you can’t find help on for example online, find the solution and write a blog about it as chances are that there are people just like you searching for the answers. Whilst it is important to create content that is relevant to your audience, try to write about it differently than everyone else if you can. Create value such as providing info-graphics, stats, or images that you feel will be helpful to your users.

5. Social Sharing
This is actually quite surprising in that people want the content they create to be shared but make it difficult for people to share this content. It may sound simple but this is actually quite important to ensure that your posts you are creating are easily shared online. Highlight snippets or statistics that you feel will be helpful to people and encourage them to share this content. Lastly, ensure that you have all the social shareable buttons that can easily be found on your blog making it easy for people to share the content you are creating.

Getting a blog to work better for your company, brand, or business isn’t that difficult if you dedicate some time and make it a priority on your never-ending to do list. You will be surprised at the effect it can have to your overall SEO efforts which in turn will give you many beenfits. If you haven’t created a blog yet, then now is the time to do so and if you have, follow these simple steps to make your blog work better for you.

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