Latest Web Development Trends To Keep An Eye On

By admin January 18, 2017
Web Development 1

Technology is dynamic in nature and it evolves with time. Web developers need to keep pace with the changes in technology in order to be relevant to the market.

Similarly, there will always been new skills and ideas to learn and explore. Be it coders or programmers, everybody has to keep up with the latest trends.

And with web development growing at a rapid rate, you just can’t afford to be struck with things going obsolete or trends that no longer hold value as they once did.

That’s why, you should look where web development is headed as it will help you understand the domain better and serve clients with greater focus than before.

So, get on board a team of developers who’re always ready to learn about new technologies. This is the easiest way to benefit from whatever new happening to the web development industry.

Here is the relevance behind keeping an eye on web development trends –

The web is an ever-changing place where nothing stands still for long

The ways and methods to dealing with the nature of information will keep changing

People will look to have more engaging and compelling ways to get their information in a speedy manner

The rise of storytelling visuals will gain prominence in coming days

Web developers need to adapt to the changes experienced by users of today to serve them better

Latest web development trends can’t be ignored else you can’t match the speed of the changing times

Why to keep an eye on web development trends?
The web is broadening its presence and making inroads into our lives more than it ever did. In fact, we rely a lot on web development today, be it for shopping, banking or other purposes. In this light, keeping an eye on web development trends becomes a must.

Here are some reasons outlining the need to know web development trends in 2017 –

The role of websites or web-driven solutions has grown manifold over the years

The industry today is dependent heavily on web development to be with the time

Web developers play a major role in helping us live better

New trends evolve to assist the industry through superior web solutions

Clearly, there is a need to hire only the best web development company India to benefit from the latest trends. Which means, you need to trust only an experienced team that loves to innovate and experiment.

Web development trends to look out for in 2017
We know the world of web is exciting and ever-changing. It is changing even without making us realize. For developers, the need is to spot those changes and see what they mean.

Here are some of latest web development trends you should not ignore –


1. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

Web development is finally reaching to a stage from where it can benefit from the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This shows how much we’re going to trust machines and remain dependent on them. The basic premise behind AI is to let machines ‘think’ and do complex tasks not possible before.

Further, programs are already in the market to detect a face or beat a professional in the game of Go. AI technology is now available for the public to benefit as well. You should know that Google is already using this technology to enhance the capabilities of its search engine.

In fact, AI-driven web site creation is now a reality something that market has come to terms with. In this, you can create a beautiful website based on pre-programmed algorithms. What’s more, you can get the site updated as many times as needed this way.


2. The growing usages of virtual reality

Any discussion on future of technology is incomplete unless we mentioned virtual reality or VR. The gaming world has already upped the ante by successfully leveraging VR and now it’s the turn of web development industry to follow the suit. This technology’s transition to the web is still in the nascent stage with only a few major players working in the direction but the omen looks promising.

This year, you can see more APIs implementing VR technology or more apps to be developed using this tech advancement. If the web goes on using VR technology to full, we can thus see sites offering virtual tours or coverage of things in detail. Once this happens, the web then can become even more potent than it has ever been before.


3. Mainstream use of Internet of Things (IoT)

The days are not far when even those objects not connected to the net can gain network connectivity and become able to send and receive data. This is exactly what the movement called Internet of Things (IoT) focuses around.

Clearly, web developers are going to develop complex applications related to the displaying, analysing and using device data with ease. They can also be needed to work on APIs to enable communication with IoT devices.

Barring some security concerns, IoT is something that looks to add great value to the industry in the coming days. And when used in web development, it can enter our lives like never before for sure.


4. Ever-rising popularity of static website generators

Web developers have high hopes from static website generators given the ease of development is now available. Using these generators, it’s now possible to use plain text and create websites. What’s more, these tools leave databases redundant as they can pluck text stored in files and do the job easily.

More so, these static websites come with some merits such as they can deliver superior speed, they can deliver security, can handle growth in traffic and bring ease of deployment. Their only drawback – the sites created can’t have real-time or user content.

In overall, 2017 is going to be an exciting time for the web development industry as changes are many to look forward to. So, if you’re a web developer, then brace up yourself for challenges that year is going to throw at you in terms of latest trends.

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