Web Design Trends Not To Ignore By Businesses

By admin September 9, 2017
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Web design is dynamic and fluid. It evolves and keeps changing with time. Change is the only constant thing about it. So, it’s extremely touch to predict the future course of web design. Nobody can guess where it’s heading or what changes to expect in next few months down the line. This keeps web designers literally on the toe as despite having expertize, they remain as clueless as most of us!
However, businesses have to understand new trends and patterns web design is about to take to equip themselves better. They have to be in constant touch with experts of the domain, i.e. web designers, and try to keep pace with the changes to come. For that, they need to know what customers would want in next few months down the line.

Why to track web design trends?

For a business, nothing matters as much as the tastes and preferences of their customers or target audience. So, it needs to know what is in vogue at the moment in terms of web design to cater the audience better. Similarly, web designers need to excel in the domain which they can’t unless they know what lies ahead.

Let’s look at our needs to track web design trends –

We must know how much technology can advance so that our lives can be impacted

Without tracking web design trends, it’d not be possible to know what users are demanding from their online experiences

We need to consult a web design company India and know about the changes to the UX

It’s important to know how to make the UX personal, relevant and interactive

We need to develop websites that are more responsive to users

Web design trends can help us or our business keep pace with the changing tides in the market

Any entity can track these trends in order to serve their customers or audience better

Web design trends to look out for

We can clearly see the need to track the latest trends in web design to keep pace with the time. To do so, you would first need to know those trends. Some of them are –

1. Only user experience matters now
Gone are the days and times when traditional web design reigned supreme. We have certainly come a long way from the days when the goal of web design was to take the tech to the audience and simplify lives. Designing beautiful websites no longer matters anymore and the focus has rather shifted towards catering to use experience. The more your users are able to interact with the site, the better they are off.

2. Conversational UI
We have reached to a time where users look for conversation with websites more than ever. They want to interact with brands through chat and messaging. They are ready to benefit from any language interfaces as long as their targets of conversations are met. So, websites have to integrate more conversational user interfaces to help users interact in a better way.

3. Animations and GIFs
The use of animations is growing with a rapid rate. You can see how many websites and apps place GIFs in a strategic manner to draw attention and deliver value. They are available with Facebook and Twitter with deliver superior experience in terms of product, workflow or anything. Designers are even not required to create these animations as several tools are available for the task. So, you can start benefiting from animations as this is what new-age users look for in websites.

4. Responsive design is a must
A good UX is not possible with responsive design. Websites need to be flexible enough to adapt and adjust as per different devices, their sizes and resolutions. Only then users can get seamless and consistent experience when they access the site. More importantly, sites with optimized content are gaining superior rankings and visibility as Google too have brought changes to its algorithm to support responsive design. So, you have to add value to both users and search engines to gain big with web design.

5. Visually explanatory web designs
Minimalism is the new trend with web designs. More websites are getting rid of the tech-enabled complexity in favor of visually explanatory designs. Sites now try to present information visually where images are used in a subtle manner to convey meaning and message. Menus and navigations are increasing taking the visual form so that users can be delivered messages in a neat and simple manner.

6. Data presentation in a visual manner
Stats are now ingrained in web designs. You can see how more sites using data and analytics to convey messages rather than letting users do the bulk of work themselves. Colorful charts and tableau are being used more extensively with the purpose to present data as visually as it could be possible. It’s about drawing users’ attention by peppering them with eye-catching visuals and data so the things can be decoded in an interactive manner.

7. Menus and tabs are less in use now
One of most interesting web design India trends is less use of menus and tabs by websites. The focus is now shifted towards putting everything on a single page. Users are no longer required to click through links and find what information they want. Rather, it’s time to scroll for hours and keep getting content and some more of it. All the content such as images and videos are up for grab on a single page as long-scrolling websites have taken over the scene.

8. Fewer stock images and bigger typography
You can see around and find websites doing away with stock images and gravitating towards real and genuine pictures. This is a major trend in web design and more brands can be seen benefiting from that. Similarly, typography is about to get bigger further and it will become bolder too in the days to come. It’s all about dynamic colors and textures so that the attention of users can be caught in an easy manner.

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