5 SEO Benefits Of WordPress

5 SEO Benefits Of WordPress

By admin February 13, 2015
Blog, Web Development 0

They are a numerous amount of CMS (Content Management System) and web publishing platforms available in the marketplace today which can make your life confusing to say the least. WordPress is by far the most popular and the most widely used CMS platform in the world today. Company websites, Blogs and even Ecommerce can be run by choosing to go for WordPress development. WordPress runs about 25% of the top 10 million websites which include Search Engine Land, Mashable, TIME, Marketing Land and loads more. WordPress has gained popularity in the market for many reasons. It started as a blogging platform many years ago but has evolved to be much more than that. The security, reliability, extensions, features, ease of use and open source nature of WordPress make it a no-brainer for both users and developers alike. Below, we will discuss 5 SEO benefits that choosing to go with WordPress development offers:

Content Is King – Yes, we have all heard this phrase being used probably more times than we would like to hear but with WordPress, it really is true. One of the biggest reasons why WordPress has become so popular is that it gives website owners the ability to very easily edit, add and manage content on a webpage. You don’t need to have any technical or development background to manage the WordPress CMS. By choosing to go with WordPress, you can easily manage/publish all the content on a website which is an absolute necessity when it comes to a successful SEO campaign. By choosing to develop your website on the WordPress CMS, you can easily publish content on your website making it king in the ring from an SEO perspective.

Open Source – WordPress is fully open-source meaning that you don’t have to pay any ongoing license fees or subscription fees to use it. You can download WordPress for absolutely free and use it without any headaches. In addition, you can easily customize WordPress with the help of a WordPress development professional around your business needs as it is fully open source and written in the PHP programming language. Also, the WordPress CMS is constantly being updated as its open-source ensuring you are up to date and secure which is good from an SEO perspective.

Plugins – The WordPress CMS has thousands of free SEO plugins that are easily available and a majority of them are completely free to use. You can easily select an SEO plug-in such as SEO Yoast (which is the most popular SEO plugin currently) which will allow you to ensure that the WordPress development of your website has all the SEO best-practices in mind when it is being built/launched. You have the ability to add many important SEO features such as tags, descriptions, sitemaps and so on ensuring you have all the SEO boxes checked off on your website or blog. In addition, you can easily select any other plugins besides SEO Yoast to help you with anything you need to get your website to have all the SEO features you need to get you ranking higher in the search engines.

Permalink Customization – The way your URL’s look and display to users is defined by the permalinks. By choosing to develop a WordPress website, you can easily customize all the URL’s of your website which is very important from an SEO perspective. By customizing your URL’s when you are developing your WordPress website, this will help you in your SEO rankings which is another reason why choosing to go with WordPress is a great choice from an SEO perspective. WordPress has you covered when it comes to being super-SEO friendly.

RSS Feeds – The WordPress CMS has a built in RSS feed which is another important feature from an SEO perspective. By having an RSS feed, you can easily feed your content across the World Wide Web which will help you spread the word but also give a link back to your website which is also important. When you publish content on your WordPress website for example, it will easily get syndicated to other feeds which will help your SEO and increase your audience/readership. Both of these things will help your SEO rankings making WordPress a great CMS choice from an SEO perspective.

By choosing to go with WordPress to develop your website or blog, you are making a great choice especially from an SEO perspective. The WordPress CMS is currently the most popular CMS in the world today for a reason. Having a website these days is not enough as you need to generate traffic and awareness of your website. By choosing to go with WordPress development to create your website or blog, you are making an SEO friendly choice which is critical to ensure the success of your business. The above 5 reasons are just some of the reasons which make the WordPress CMS a great choice from an SEO point of view. If you are looking for a reliable, trusted and experienced WordPress development company, please feel free to reach out to the team at Mind Digital Group for any of your development needs that you may have.

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